
The Scholarly, Whimsical, Gentle, Lucky and Loving Dragon
Naples, Florida
Bronze mounted on grass
Cambier Park, Naples, Florida
Height: 2 1/2 Length: 8
Installed October 25, 2001
There are both a maquette
and an edition
of the dragon.
The Scholarly, Whimsical,
Gentle, Lucky and Loving Dragon
Once upon a time there was a dragon. He was a scholarly, whimsical,
gentle, lucky and loving dragon who watched over his neighbors and
protected them from harm. Alas, he was invisible, as are all dragons,
so nobody could see him.
Fortunately, along came an enthusiastic, energetic
and imaginative sculptor who had the magical powers to transform
this dragon into bronze for all to see.
As everyone knows, dragons come in every size and
shape imaginable and can be found in all parts of the world. They
are familiar to many diverse cultures, hence, this dragon has the
ability to link old and young, fat and thin, from many countries.
This particular dragon is unique. He combines characteristics
from all the continents on earth. He is a Global dragon!
He is 8 feet long. He is a vegetarian, which accounts
for the special little beak at the bottom of his lower jaw, which
he uses to clip luscious green vegetation from his surroundings.
He has three stomachs where he stores his leafy greens. In time,
the greens ferment and produce gas. This gas ignites when sparks
are created by the gnashing of his many sharp teeth. If he becomes
angry these sparks produce fire which then explode from his nostrils.
But, since this is a gentle, lucky and loving dragon,
there is little chance of this ever happening. Although he doesnt
have wings, the large lump on his head, called a poh shan,
gives him the ability to fly but, as he secretly admits, he is the
kind of dragon that likes to stay in one place for hundreds of years
at a time.
The dragons eyes can withstand the brightest
sunlight, yet his vision is keen in the dark of night. He needs
little if any sleep. He is always ready to ward off intruders and,
if necessary, he might open his mouth and with his many pointed
teeth and forked tongue take a little bite out of the interloper.
In the middle of his forehead is a dracontia, a precious
gem, believed to give magical powers to its owner and its
owners closest friends. It is said by the sages of the universe
that if you rub your hand over a dracontia three times,
you will have good fortune.
This courageous dragon has a remarkably large brain
and is by far the most intelligent of all mythical beasts. He has
an excellent memory that can recall events from past decades, even
past centuries. He is a perpetual student and loves to study. His
continuous search for knowledge sets a powerful example for all
who see him. He knows every language in the world, even animal and
bird talk. He is considered a Supreme dragon having five claws like
an eagles talons on his feet rather than three or four as
with lesser dragons. He loves children and gum drops. He likes to
position himself in such a way as to be crawled on and under and
round about.
Rather than end in a barb, this loving dragon has
a tail that ends with a heart. The fifteen bony plates that run
along the vertebrae of his spine are just the right size for children
to sit between in comfort and safety. It should be noted that the
number fifteen is divisible by both three and five, two numbers
having special dragonian powers which have to do with good health,
longevity, and curiosity.
His strong ethical values and deep spirituality
cause him to be particularly delighted when families are attracted to him, surround him, play,
pat and hug him. He is a visionary and a wise dragon who fervently
hopes that he will have a profound influence on all children who
embrace him.
by Nancy Schön