There are public sculptures of the ducklings
both in Boston
and Moscow.
It was 1985 when Suzanne DeMonchaux, an urban
planner asked me if I would like to put a bronze sculpture of Make
Way for Ducklings into the Boston Public Garden.
There in lies a long tale of her proposal writing,
our meeting and working with Robert McCloskey, of acquiring the
sponsorship of the Friends of the Boston Public Garden, of having
my design accepted by the Boston Art Commission, the Landmarks Commission
and the Parks and Recreation Department.
Then there was the problem, as always, of fund raising.
It took two years to go through this process but on October 4, 1987
a bronze sculpture of Mrs. Mallard and her eight ducklings was installed
on old Boston cobblestones.
I treasure time that I spend standing near the sculpture
and watching all the children hug, kiss, climb on and feed the ducks.
How fortunate I am to have made this sculpture which, thanks to
Mr. McCloskey, has given so much pleasure to so many.
